Friday, November 27, 2015



Hi want2loan!

manhhai has uploaded new items to Flickr in the last 7 days.

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Republic of Vietnam Navy - Căn Cứ Duyên Đoàn 41 by manhhai
VUNG TAU 1960s by manhhai
BIEN HOA street scene 1967-70 by flynariel by manhhai
US Serviceman checking out ice cream cart in BIEN HOA - by flynariel by manhhai
BIEN HOA Balloons by flynariel by manhhai
Republic of...VUNG TAU 1960sBIEN HOA...US...BIEN HOA...
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Hi want2loan!

manhhai has uploaded new items to Flickr in the last 7 days.

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  manhhai has uploaded at least 5 items in the last 7 days.

LIFE Magazine, 6 Oct 1972 (1) - IN AN ENEMY COUNTRY. North Vietnam has learned to live with the bombs by manhhai
Nguyen Ai Quoc (1921, Marseille, France) - Ho Chi Minh (1969, Hanoi, North Vietnam) by Marc Riboud by manhhai
Listening to Ho Chi Minh's will, Phat Diem, N. Vietnam - by Marc Riboud by manhhai
Public park, Hanoi, North Vietnam 1969 - by Marc Riboud by manhhai
LIFE Magazine, 6 Oct 1972 (4) - The signs of the conflict are everywhere by manhhai
LIFE...Nguyen Ai...Listening to...Public park,...LIFE...
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